Thomas’ Supporters

Helping-FamiliesThere are so many people for us to thank for their unwavering support — our family, friends, community, schools and our parish family. So many loving and caring people have woven themselves into the fabric of our lives. You stood with us in our grief and you’ve stayed with us to help keep Thomas’ spirit alive. The Miloscia family will be forever thankful for your abiding love, prayers and support.

Through the course of his battle Thomas never complained.  He never mentioned his pain or discomfort. He never let cancer define who he was. Thomas’ persona and his faithful and optimistic outlook on life were not diminished by the disease he battled. He faced his challenge with a resolve not merely to prevail himself, but also a desire to help heal others.   Thomas understood the biblical command to love one another.  He was keenly aware of the value of relationships.  He was gracious and thankful for the sustaining presence of all of you.  His own words bear that out below.




Thomas’ Winged Angels

pals-logo-nobg-1In addition to our wonderful friends and neighbors, the Miloscia family has been blessed by the kindness and generosity of organizations that work tirelessly to ease the stress of fighting cancer and to bring joy back into a distracted family.

Patient Airlift Services, known as PALS, is an extraordinary group of pilots and aircraft owners who donate their time, their equipment and their hearts to families struggling to reach the best medical care for their loved ones.   They move patients and family members all over the country without charge.  These pilots and owners are winged angels among us.



UnknownMany of you have heard of Make A Wish, and in all likelihood, many of you have supported the incredible work that they do to make dreams come true for young people afflicted by devastating illness.  These are people who do not succumb to the impossible; people who truly make dreams come true and who fill the hearts of children, teens and their families.



SquareFoundation LogoFrom his pre-school years forward, Thomas loved turtles.  There was just something about the look, nature and character of turtles that appealed to him.  The hands image is a simple expression of the contributions of so many talented and generous souls who have offered themselves and their resources over the course of these difficult times.